# How is it? How is it like?

  • Try this. How is it?

    • 이거 먹어봐. 어때?(비교적 단순한 답변을 듣고 싶음)
  • It's really really good. Did you make this?

    • 진짜 맛있다. 너가 만든거야?
  • Yeah. I made it.

  • You're a really good cook.

    • 너 진짜 요리 잘한다.
  • How was it? (Was it good?)

  • Oh, there's a new James Bond movie.

  • Yeah. Actually, I saw that the other day.

    • 사실 며칠 전에 그거 봤어
  • Oh, how was it? Was it good?

  • It was Ok. Nothing too impressive. It was pretty much what you would expect from a James Bond movie.

    • 괜찮았어. 엄청 대단하거나 그런건 없었어. 너가 충분히 예상할만한 그런거였어.
  • I just got released from quarantine a couple of days ago.

    • 며칠 전에 격리에서 막 풀려났어.
  • Oh! What was it like?

    • 아 어땠어?(그것에 대해 알고싶고 궁금하다)
  • Well, it wasn't so bad for the first couple of days but after that it was like torture.

    • 첫 며칠은 그렇게 나쁘지 않았는데 그 뒤로는 고문 같았어.
  • How is it living abroad?

    • 해외에서 사는건 좀 어때?
  • What is it like working from home?

    • 재택근무하니까 어때?