# 얘들아 나 내일 7시 반쯤 대전역 도착해~

  • Hey guys, I arrive at 7:30 on Deajeon station tomorrow~
  • Hey buddy, I'm goint to arrive at Deajeon station tomorrow at 7:30~
  • Guys, I'm arriving at Deajeon Station at 7:30 tomorrow.

# 어디서 만날까?

  • Where are we going to meet?
  • Where do you guys want to meet?
  • Where shall we meet?

# 먹고싶은거 있는사람?

  • Are there anyone who wants to eat something?(X)
  • Is there anyone who wants to eat something?

# 그럼 현성이는 우리 사랑 먹어 ㅋ

  • So you have to eat our love lol
  • Then you eat our love

# 거기 파스타 맛있어?

  • Is the pasta delicious there?
  • Is the pasta good there?

# 거기 술집 아니야?

  • Is there a bar or something?
  • Isn't that a bar?

# 나는 밥 먹을 수 있는 거 있으면 상관 없어

  • I don't care if there is anything to eat.
  • I don't care if there is something to eat.

# 고기가 맛집인 곳은 많지 않을까?

  • I think there is a lot of places where has good taste of meat.
  • I think there are a lot of famous meat restaurant.
  • Wouldn't there be a lot of restaurants where meat is famous?
  • Wouldn't there be a lot of famous meat restaurants?

# 고기 맛있는 집 한 번 찾아봐야겠네

  • I need to search good meat restaurants.
  • I should look for a restaurant with amazing meat.
  • I need to find a restaurant with delicious meat.

# 애들은 별로 안좋아할껄? 회맛을 잘 모르잖아 ㅋ

  • I think they don't like that much. They don't know much about the taste of raw fish.
  • I think they are not going to like it. They don't know about the taste of raw fish.

# 8시에 둔산동에서 봅시다~

  • We will meet in 둔산동 at 8p.m.
  • See you at 8 o'clock in 둔산동~

# 내가 고깃집 한 번 찾아봤는데 혹시 괜찮다 싶은 곳 있어?

  • I found these meat restaurants. Is there anyone who find another good restaurants?
  • I dound these meat restaurants. Has anyone found another good restaurant?
  • I've look for a meat restaurant once. Is there any places that you think is okay?

# 나는 어디가 맛집인지 잘 모르겠어

  • I don't know where the famous restaurant is.
  • I don't know where the delicious restaurant is.

# 나 엄청 배고파. 이래놓고 막상 먹으면 많이 못먹기는 하지만...

  • I'm really hungry. but I can't actually eat that much.

# 나는 점심에 돈가스 먹어서 튀김 빼고 아무거나 상관 없어

  • I don't care except pork cutlet. because I had it for my lunch today.
  • I don't care about anything but fried food. Because I had pork cutlet for lunch today.

# 나도 방금 버스 갈아타서 얼추 비슷하게 도착할 것 같아

  • I'm almost there. I changed bus.
  • I just transferred the bus. I'm almost there.

# 친구들~ 나는 이번 추석에 특별한 일 없어서 너네 시간에 맞출 수 있을 것 같아

  • Guys~ I think I can fit you guys's time. I don't have anything special this chuseok
  • Gyes~ I think I can fit on your time. There is nothing special this Chuseok.