# 그럼 어떻게 시간 되는 사람들끼리라도 다녀올까?

  • Do you want to go on a trip with people who have time?

# 너 그럼 토요일에 차 쓸 수 있어?

  • Can you use your car on this Saturday?

# 나 요즘 클래식 열심히 듣는 중이야

  • I'm listening the classical music really hard these days.

# 여기 클래식 선생님 두 분 계시니까 우리는 걱정 없겠다 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • We don't have worry about it because we have two teachers in this char room.

# 한 번에 하나씩 하는 게 좋을 듯 해

  • I think we need to do that once at a time.
  • I think we should do one at a time.

# 너무 많으면 다 듣기에 시간이 오래 걸리니까

  • It takes a long time to listening when there are so many music.
  • If there is too much music, it takes a long time to listen to it.

# 현성이랑 관형이가 잘하니까 우리 초보자들 사이에 껴야할 것 같아 ㅋㅋ

  • I think 현성 and 관형 is the best on clasical music, then they should be inside with us.
  • 현성 and 관형 know about classic music well, so I think we should get them in between us.
  • They should get in between us.

# 이거 자기 발표하기 전 날 저녁에 공유하면 어때?

  • How about sharing this before the day that you present your music.
  • Why don't you share this before the day you announce your presentation.

# 아침에 들으면서 출근하게 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • I want to listen to music when I go to work.